Cannot access file explorer from start in windows 10
Cannot access file explorer from start in windows 10

cannot access file explorer from start in windows 10 cannot access file explorer from start in windows 10

À (ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) À (String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String args) À System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String args) À (String args) dans F:\MAPW10\Development\Sources\Tools\ConsoleApplication1\Program.cs:ligne 22 À System.IO.FileInfo.ctor(String fileName) À System.IO.FileInfo.Init(String fileName, Boolean checkHost) StackTrace is as follows: à .QuickDemand(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String fullPath, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath) On the last news, I'm able to do : somebinaries) īut I'm not able to do FileInfo fileInfo = new Results of icalcs c:\a\b.exe : c:\a\b.exe Tout le monde:(I)(F) Results of icalcs c:\a\ : c:\a\ Tout le monde:(OI)(CI)(F)ĪUTORITE NT\Utilisateurs authentifi‚s:(I)(M)ĪUTORITE NT\Utilisateurs authentifi‚s:(I)(OI)(CI)(IO)(M) Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\r\n", display the directory c:\a.Works when I put the exe on the root directory : "c:\b.exe".Every user of the computer as Total control level acceess over the folder and the file ( a directory and b.exe).The specified path is not WRONG and the file is not missing.I'm not looking for a solution like change your application working directory and run Process.Start("b.exe").The user has access to the file (security attribute enable for everyone in the computer).Is there any workarounds to solve this issue? In preference, a solution which implies no recompilation. I've noticed also that it's the same behaviour when I run "c:\a\b.exe" with the windows run window (Windows Key + R).


Since Windows 10 (I have not test yet 8 and 8.1) the first code will throws 32Exception ("Specified file not found") and second will return false. var processPath = // this exe exists on my computer I have a very simple piece code of which works perfectly from Windows XP to Windows 7. Note : I've replace the directory with a and the exe with b.exe and I've repeat every test I have made to make sure it's not a typing syntax.

Cannot access file explorer from start in windows 10